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Hormone Therapy May Work For Some Women But Can Also Be Risky

Hormone treatment or hormone therapy is the application of external hormones in the treatment of diseases and syndromes. Hormone treatment with internal hormones can also be known as pharmacological therapy or internal hormone therapy. Hormone treatment aims to normalize the production of hormones and decrease the levels pyrogens and estrogens. Hormone treatment is usually given in the later stages of life, when hormone levels are beginning to be out of balance. Hormone treatment for men and women can be administered by oral or injected hormones, which are both synthetic and naturally produced by the body. Hormone replacement therapy can also be prescribed for postmenopausal women or for women who have been treated with HRT (hormones prescribed to prevent breast cancer or to prevent osteoporosis) Read more here.

The use of hormone therapy for the treatment of cancer has proven to be effective in the prevention and treatment of several types of cancers including breast cancer, lymphoma, stomach cancer, prostate cancer, and some types of bladder cancer. Hormone replacement therapy is often used alongside chemotherapy as a successful treatment for most types of cancer. The use of hormone therapy is often accompanied by radiation therapy, which is used to kill cancer cells in the affected areas. Radiotherapy kills cancer cells without affecting healthy cells around the body.

To achieve maximum benefit, hormone therapy must be combined with complementary therapy such as chemotherapy, surgery, and hormone therapy for cancer treatments. Surgery is used to remove or attempt to remove benign tumors that are resistant to hormone therapy. Although surgery has become the most commonly used cancer treatments today, it is not necessarily the best option for all cancers. Chemotherapy is sometimes used in conjunction with surgery for better outcomes.

Commonly used hormones for breast cancers include antiestrogens (used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia or benign prostate adenomas), estrogen (to treat gynecomastia), and testosterone. These hormones are synthetic forms of natural hormones that stimulate the production of certain target tissues, such as the bone marrow, immune system, liver, and hair follicles. These tissues are then stimulated to produce hormones to help fight cancer. The synthetic hormones can be administered through injection, transdermal patch, vaginal suppository, or oral tablet. Most treatment is started before symptoms appear, usually after surgery.

Hormone blockers are another option to treat breast cancer with medication. In hormone therapy for cancer treatments with hormone blockers, certain cancerous tumors are stopped from multiplying. The blocker drugs prevent testosterone from being absorbed into the bloodstream. These drugs, such as Orcin (stage III breast cancer), Erlotinib (BOTOX), or Tarotelisert (NETC), can only be used for tumors that have already reached the point where they are potentially resistant to hormone therapy. Other than that, people who would need this form of therapy would be menopausal women who are past menopause.

With these various options in hormone therapy, it's important to understand the possible risks, side effects, and benefits. It's also important to consider whether these risks and effects will outweigh the benefits and advantages of using hormone therapy for breast cancer or other cancers. Hormone therapy may work for some women, but it's important for women to understand the risks and benefits before deciding which therapy to pursue. There are also other treatments besides systemic estrogen therapy that have been shown to be effective in preventing hot flashes. For more information, contact Nufemme healthcare provider.

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